OpenText Exstream Consultation: Does My Organization Need It?

Authored by: Cass Mieczakowski, Director of Engineering

Customer Communications Management (CCM) empowers organizations to deliver memorable customer experiences across multiple touchpoints. To maximize CCM effectiveness, many organizations rely on OpenText Exstream, an integrated CCM platform that automates communications processes and effortlessly streamlines omnichannel communications.

Firms looking to implement or transition to OpenText Exstream usually have three choices: 1) Hire in-house full-time employees, 2) Hire a freelancer 3) Get an OpenText Exstream consultation from a professional service provider like WayPath.

Usually, the third option, a consultation is the preferred choice. Here’s why.

Regardless of an organization’s profile or sector, when a major OpenText project is planned, it requires a fair amount of analysis, business requirements gathering and planning. How can you address these needs and improve your chances of success?

Hire a Full-time Employee

This is a good choice for larger organizations who can justify the expense with a corresponding amount of work. But if you’re a medium or small organization, the cost of hiring a full-time employee may not be justifiable, because over time, the substantial expense of salaries and benefits can adversely affect your profitability and RoI.

Another problem is that because the employee will be ‘wedded’ to your organization, you will be responsible for their training and certifications. Again, this means an investment of money–and time–with no guarantee of a high RoI.

A third challenge is that skilled and experienced OpenText Exstream developers and project managers are not always easy to find, especially if your hiring budget is ‘limited’.

Hire a Freelancer/Contractor

Working with a freelancer for an OpenText Exstream project can be a more affordable option for smaller firms, or for firms who need help for short-term or one-off projects. Moreover, as they already have the required knowledge or skills, you won’t have to invest time or money into training them. A third advantage is that compared to employees, it’s easier to terminate a relationship with a freelancer or contractor if it’s not delivering the required benefits.

And now, the drawbacks of hiring freelancers. The first disadvantage is that most freelancers work on multiple projects simultaneously, so they may not be able to give extra time or special attention to your project. Next, with a freelancer, the workflow is unpredictable, especially because the relationship may go kaput without a readily available replacement. Third, freelancers usually can’t take on large-scale or long-term projects. So if your project is likely to be an ongoing thing, a freelancer is not necessarily your best choice.

Hire a Professional Consultant

A professional firm that delivers top-notch OpenText Exstream consultation services will yield maximum benefits for your project. Plus, the long-term costs of hiring a service provider like WayPath are usually lower than the expenditure of hiring full-time employees.

Another advantage is that professional firms stays abreast of technology updates and industry best practices, so they can make suitable recommendations that benefit your business. And finally, a service provider that has already delivered a number of successful OpenText Exstream projects brings a breadth and depth of experience that will work in your favor throughout the life-cycle of your project–even during the more challenging parts.

WayPath provides expert and tailored OpenText Exstream Consultation services to firms in multiple industries all over the world. With WayPath, you get a skilled and experienced team who will be fully committed to your OpenText Exstream implementation or migration project. Our experts are proficient in every aspect of the Exstream ecosystem and will work closely with you to ensure that you get the maximum value from your investment. So if you’re considering deploying OpenText Exstream for your company but don’t know where to start, talk to our experts.

Want to learn more? Read our whitepaper to understand what goes behind the scenes when laying out a strategy for customer communications management.



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