Why More Governments are Using Microsoft Dynamics 365

Authored by: The WayPath CRM Team

While government entities might not be renowned for being digital trailblazers, more organizations in this sector are leaving their legacy technology behind in favor of modern digital solutions.

Outdated paper-based processes are being replaced with automated digital tools and workflows.

With this, government and public sector companies enjoy greater speed and transparency. They’re able to give citizens instant, yet secure, access to the government services and information they need when they need it.

Increasingly, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Government is featured in these organizations’ modernized technology stack.

Why Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Government?

Designed specifically for the government and public sector, this solution offers a central data repository so administrators and agents can glean comprehensive insights into internal and external interactions. As a result, they can address queries and requests from citizens faster and more efficiently – through their channel(s) of choice.

This is important because today, consumers have come to expect immediate, timely, and relevant communications and responses from every service provider with whom they engage. Their tolerance for tardy, inefficient services is at an all-time low.

Dynamics 365 for Government also gives leadership teams an easier way to navigate budgetary and cost challenges, thanks to its advanced financial and reporting tools.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons why Microsoft Dynamics 365 is increasingly becoming the CRM solution of choice for leading public sector organizations:

Faster Resolution of Issues

With Dynamics 365, administrators working in government and agencies get automatic, real-time alerts regarding issues or queries from citizens. This makes it easy for them to ensure matters are assigned to the correct resource right away. Ultimately, this results in issues being resolved faster, which boosts levels of customer satisfaction.

More Proactive Communication

Equally, the solution provides a mechanism through which government departments can make citizens aware of activities and solutions (such as temporary road closures or water outages) as they happen and provide timely updates.

Secure and Compliant Operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is secure by design. It features role-based workspaces and rigorous audit controls – all with the backing of one of the world’s most secure cloud platforms.

The WayPath Advantage

As CRM consulting experts specializing in technology for the public sector, WayPath has a strong track record working with government clients. We know precisely how Microsoft Dynamics 365 can help them address process efficiencies and speed service delivery while ensuring complete compliance with local regulations.

Our approach begins with understanding our government clients’ CRM goals, identifying citizen-centric objectives, and then establishing accurate baselines. We then work with their cross-functional, technology, and service delivery teams to create implementation plans, prioritize program activities and design new operating models that can scale fast and deliver benefits even faster.

CRM Excellence in Action

We have a longstanding track record in helping government and public sector clients accelerate their CRM into the digital age using Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Learn how we helped the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) migrate its CRM system to a cloud-based environment.

  • After the project’s completion, VDOT rated WayPath with a 10/10 Net Promotor Score (NPS).

Read how we approached helping the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff (ORS) migrate from its legacy CRM system.

· “The project management approach was impressive and effective. WayPath’s team is professional and trustworthy,” stated the Chief Financial Officer of the ORS.

Contact us today to learn more about our CRM services for government.



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