DevOps and DevOps Outsourcing: Is it For Me?

At WayPath, we often hear this question: Should I go for DevOps outsourcing?

As a boutique, IT consulting and software development firm, our short answer is unequivocal: “Yes”

The longer response requires deeper investigation. Many organizations have professional DevOps engineers in-house, but they struggle to implement beneficial DevOps principles and practices the right way. Can DevOps outsourcing help? Read on to know more.

DevOps Unpacked

DevOps is not a job title, software tool, team name, or process type. Rather, it is a set of practices to encourage continuous integration into production. Unlike traditional operational models characterized by technological “silos”, DevOps unites Development and Operations to optimize the value stream for the business and its customers. The four continuous stages of a DevOps workflow –Integration, Delivery, Deployment, and Monitoring & Feedback – work together to support greater agility, automation, and efficiency.

DevOps doesn’t require that people from Dev and Ops work on the same team. It only requires bringing them together to make the development process smoother, faster, more accurate, and cost-effective.

Why DevOps?

The primary goal of a DevOps culture is to break down barriers between specialists involved at different stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC). But DevOps yields many other benefits as well.

DevOps practices enable organizations to release better software faster and more frequently. They also facilitate stronger collaboration and communication, small-batch iteration, feedback loops, and continuous learning and improvement.

Further DevOps benefits are:

  • Real-time feedback and metrics
  • Automated delivery pipelines for faster decision-making
  • Improved alignment between teams and business goals
  • Fewer security issues
  • Reduced waste across multiple delivery streams
  • Improved change management effectiveness.

Why DevOps Outsourcing?

Many organizations struggle to scale DevOps’ ways of working or evolve beyond the early stages of DevOps evolution: from normalization, standardization, and expansion, to automated infrastructure delivery and self-service.

Now, hiring in-house DevOps specialists does provide greater control over the product and the development process. However, the many disadvantages overshadow this advantage. For one, in-house DevOps involves high staffing, workplace, and training costs. For example, the average salary of a DevOps engineer in the US is $99,604– not a small sum by any means. It also takes time to set up the relevant processes and build the right DevOps infrastructure from scratch. This can be highly problematic in today’s dynamic business landscape. Finally, the in-house team may not always have the focus required for faster delivery and more frequent deployments.

In contrast, DevOps outsourcing offers many advantages:

  • Access to senior DevOps engineers at a fraction of the cost of in-house hires
  • Fast ramp-up, immediate service, and shorter development cycles
  • Continuous testing and deployment for better quality output
  • Zero training needs since the outsourced team is already skilled and knowledgeable
  • Access to up-to-date infrastructure, services, and tools for seamless synchronization and collaboration
  • Lower risks and no additional expenses like hardware or software licenses, taxes, or facilities.

In short, by outsourcing DevOps services, organizations can tap into a talented pool of experts who will do all the heavy lifting. This allows them to focus on growing their business and delivering greater value to their stakeholders.

DevOps Outsourcing @ WayPath

Every development project is unique and requires a tailored approach – a need that in-house DevOps teams often fail to fulfill. DevOps outsourcing delivers all the benefits of DevOps, as well as other advantages including cost-effectiveness, scalability, faster delivery, and better quality. Talk to us for a free assessment of your needs.

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